I'm the developer behind turning visionary ideas into realities.

Take a tour through my portfolio where I exhibit various projects and skills. It's a space to share my passion for coding and creativity. No sales, just a showcase of what I love to do.


My journey with code began at the age of 16. What started as a fascination with C language has blossomed into a versatile exploration of various domains – from web and game development to the intricate world of app creation.

Today, with a wealth of experiences under my belt, I proudly specialize in app development.


Work Showcase


ClearMind Launcher

Your Gateway to a Focused Digital Experience

ClearMind Launcher is not just another app launcher. It's a gateway to reclaiming your focus and enhancing productivity in the digital realm. Crafted with a keen understanding of modern users' needs, it empowers individuals to curate a personalized, distraction-free environment without compromising on functionality.

React TS | Material UI | Python | OpenAI API

Awsome AHP

I spearheaded the Awesome AHP project. Through rigorous Bibliometrics analysis, we unveiled insights into MCDM techniques within Incremental Clustering algorithms. Crafting a AHP Calculator with React and TypeScript, we integrated the GPT Model, offering precise guidance on criteria and alternatives. Employing the AHP algorithm, we meticulously ranked Incremental Clustering algorithms based on specific criteria, sharing my discoveries in a comprehensive research paper.

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ANDROID | Java | Firebase | Google Maps API

Project Green

I led the Green project, creating an Android app that optimized waste collection scheduling, reducing missed pickups by 30%. Implementing a point redemption system for recyclables incentivized eco-friendly actions. I also developed a collector's app that utilized Google Maps APIs, resulting in a 40% time reduction for waste collection through better route planning and navigation.

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In the development of Chatster, I engineered a Java-based Real-time LAN messaging desktop app. This intuitive tool allows users to seamlessly communicate in Private and Group Chat Rooms within the same network. Implementing Socket Programming and Multi-Threading concepts ensured swift and secure real-time messaging capabilities.

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Vue | javascript | firebase


CalTrack, a web-based Calorie Tracker, empowers users to monitor their daily dietary intake effortlessly. With an intuitive interface for inputting and visualizing food consumption, this platform enables informed nutritional decisions. Featuring goal-setting, meal recording, and insightful reporting, CalTrack redefines how users engage with their diets, fostering healthier lifestyles.

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android | java | php | bootstrap


In the creation of My Lib, I designed a comprehensive Digital Library Management System. This project facilitated librarian tasks by enabling CRUD operations on books, library resources, and issuers. I developed an Android application with an intuitive UI, incorporating features for authentication, book searching, and issuing. Utilizing custom APIs via Volley Library integration, I ensured seamless retrieval of data from the database, enhancing the app's functionality and user experience.

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Let's Connect

Whether you're a fellow coder, a potential collaborator, or just someone interested in tech, I'm here to connect and share ideas. Let's explore the digital world together.

Crafted with ❤️, in India